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Atftpd Manual 中文手册

已有 26694 次阅读2011-5-7 21:53 |系统分类:OS专区|

ATFTPD(8)                                                            ATFTPD(8)



       atftpd - Trivial File Transfer Protocol Server.



       atftpd [options] directory

       atftpd [选项] 目录


       atftpd is a TFTP (RFC1350) server. By default it is started by inetd on
       most sytems, but may run as a stand alone daemon. This server is multi-
       threaded  and  supports all options described in RFC2347 (option exten‐
       sion), RFC2348 (blksize), RFC2349 (tsize and timeout) and RFC2090 (mul‐
       ticast option). It also supports mtftp as defined in the PXE specifica‐

 atftpd 是一个 TFPT (RFC1350) 服务器。在大多数系统中默认由 inetd 进程启动,
 RFC(blksize),RFC2349(tsize and timeout)以及RFC2090(组播选项)中描述的所有


       This program supports both the usual GNU command line syntax, with long
       options  starting  with  two  dashes  (’-’) as well as short options. A
       description of the options is included below.


       -t, --tftpd-timeout <value>
              Number of seconds of inactivity before the  server  exits.  This
              value  has  meaning only when the server is started by inetd. In
              daemon mode, the server never exits. Default is 300 seconds.


       -r, --retry-timeout <value>
              How many seconds to wait for a  reply  before  retransmitting  a
              packet. Default is 5 seconds. This can be overridden by the TFTP
              client with the ’timeout’ option.


       -m, --maxthread <value>
              Maximum number of concurrent threads allowed. Default is 100.


       -v, --verbose[=value]
              Increase or set the logging level. No arguments will increase by
              one  the current value. Default is LOG_NOTICE, see syslog(3) for
              log  level.  Valid  value  range  from  0   (LOG_EMERG)   to   7

  参考日志级别syslog(3)。有效取值范围从 0 (LOG_EMERG) 到 7 (LOG_DEBUG)。

              When  verbose level is set to 7, this will output debug informa‐
              tion for each packet sent or received from the network.

  当 verbose 级别设定在7,将输出从网络接收和发送的每一个包的调试信息。

              disable ’timeout’ from RFC2349. This  will  prevent  the  server
              from acknowledging the ’timeout’ option requested by the client.


              disable ’tsize’ from RFC2349. This will prevent the server  from
              acknowledging the ’tsize’ option requested by the client.


              disable  ’blksize’  from  RFC2348.  This will prevent the server
              from acknowledging the ’blksize’ request by the client.


              disable ’multicast’ from RFC2090. This will prevent  the  server
              from acknowledging the ’multicast’ request by the client.


       --logfile <logfile>
              Log  to a specific file instead of only syslog. ’nobody’ (or any
              user used to run the server) must have permissions on the  given
              file.  Assuming  the  file  is  /var/log/atftpd.log, simply run:
              "touch  /var/log/atftpd.log"  and  then  "chown   nobody.nogroup
              /var/log/atftpd.log".  When  the  server  is ran in daemon mode,
              /dev/stdout or /dev/stderr can be used.

  操作如下:首先“touch  /var/log/atftpd.log”然后“chown   nobody.nogroup
              /var/log/atftpd.log”。当服务器运行在daemon模式下时 /dev/stdout 或者
       /dev/stderr 可以被使用。

              Write the PID of the server to the specified file. This  may  be
              useful  when  automatically  starting  and  stopping one or more
              instance of the server.


              Run as a daemon. Do not use this option if atftpd is started  by

  服务器作为独立的守护程序运行。如果服务器有 inetd 进程启动则不使用

              When  --daemon is specified, this option will prevent the server
              from forking to background. It is useful for  debugging  purpose
              or specialized usage.

  当 --daemon 选项被设定,该选项将禁止服务器被切换到后台运行。这在调试

       --user <user[.group]>
              By  default,  the  server change identity to the user nobody and
              group nogroup. Specify an alternate user.group with this option.

  服务器默认设定用户身份为 nobody.nogroup。使用该参数指定用户身份为

       --group <group>
              Alternate  way  of  specifying  the group. If group is specified
              with --user and --group, the last option will be used.


       --port <number>
              Specify the port on which atftpd listens. Useful  when  --daemon
              is  specified.  Default  is  standard tftp port as determined by


       --bind-address <IP address>
              Specify the IP address which atftpd binds to. Useful when --dae‐
              mon is specified. Default is to bind to all interfaces. Only one
              address can be specified, the server can only listen to  one  or
              all interfaces.


              Specify  the TTL to be used for multicast datagram. By default a
              value of 1 is used. Note that TTL has a special meaning in  mul‐
              ticast  as it is used to determine the scope of the packets. The
              value of 1 means the packets don’t leave the local network,  see
              ip(4).  Scope  may also be determine by the address as described



              Specify the IP address range to be used for multicast  transfer.
              Format   string   may   comprise   range  and  list  of  values:
              ",128-132,200".       Default       value       is
              "". This address range is proposed in RFC2365 for
              local scope.


              Specify the UDP port  to  use  for  multicast  transfer.  Format
              string   may   contain   range   and   list   of   port  number:
              "1758-2000,8000-9000". default value is "1758".


       --pcre <file>
              Specify a pattern/replacement file to use. This allow to replace
              requested file name based on Perl Compatible Regular Expression.
              See README.PCRE.

  指定一个 pattern/replacement 文件。允许使用基于 兼容 Perl 表达式

       --pcre-test <file>
              Test a pattern/replacement file. When  using  this  option,  the
              server  will  not  start  as  usual but just read file name from
              stdin and printout the substitution.

  测试一个 pattern/replacement 文件。当使用了这个选项,服务器将不会

       --mtftp <file>
              This will start a mtftp server thread for each  valid  entry  in
              the supplied file. See PXE specification for detail about mtftp.
              An example file is provided in the source distribution.

  PXE 规格说明书中关于mtftp的相关细节。在发布的源码中提供了一个示例

       --mtftp-port <port>
              Port the mtftp server shall listen to for incomming request.


              In some specific cases of networks using load balancer or  other
              equipment  performing  NAT  (network  address translation), some
              needs to disable source port checking  because  port  number  as
              been  translated. If you want to use this feature, you must know
              why you need it and the implication. Be aware that  this  option
              violate  the RFC1350. This option has effect only for non-multi‐
              cast transfer.


              This option allow the server to proceed with the next  multicast
              client  as  soon as the current client timeout. When the current
              master client fails to send an acknowledge (ACK) to the  server,
              the  server will send an option acknowledge (OACK) to the master
              client with the field MC (master client) set to false  and  send
              an  OACK to the next multicast client with MC set to true. With‐
              out this option, the server will retry the current master client
              up  to  5  times  and then mark it done, proceding with the next


       -V, --version
              Show version of program.


       -h, --help
              Show summary of options.


       path   This is  the  root  directory  used  by  the  TFTP  server.  All
              requested  files  from  a TFTP client must reside in this direc‐
              tory. If not specified, the  directory  defaults  to  /tftpboot.
              Since  atftpd  run  as  the  nobody  user, the permission of the
              directory must be set properly to allow file reading  and  writ‐

  TFTP 服务器使用的根目录。所有TFTP客户端请求的文件必须存放在这个目录
  下。如果没有指定,默认目录名为 /tfptboot。当atftpd运行在nobody用户


       Starting  with  release 0.2, the server collects some statistics.  Cur‐
       rently the server compute system load,  time  between  connections  and
       some  thread  statistics  like number of file sent, received, number of
       abort... To see those stats in the logs, you need  to  set  --verbose=6
       (LOG_NOTICE) or higher.

       信息,需要设定 --verbose=6(LOG_NOTICE)或者更高。



       TFTP  by itself has no provision for security. There is no user authen‐
       tication and TFTP clients get access to all files within the  specified
       root directory for which the server has permission.

       TFTP 协议本身不提供安全特性。服务器端没有用户验证机制,TFTP客户端可以在指定

       Some  level  of  security  can  be  gained using atftp libwrap support.
       Adding  proper  entry  to  /etc/hosts.allow  and  /etc/hosts.deny  will
       restrict  access to trusted hosts. Daemon name to use in these files is

       通过使用 Atftp libwrap 能获得一定级别的安全特性。在 /etc/hosts.allow 和
       /etc/hosts.deny 中添加适当的条目能限制对信任主机的访问。在这些文件中使用的
       守护进程的名字是 in.tftpd。

       The atftpd server provides a way to dynamically replace requested  file
       name by a new one based on Perl compatible regular expression. Pairs of
       pattern/replacement are read from the specified files.  Upon  reception
       of  a  read  request,  the  server will first try to open the file name
       requested. If it fails, then it will search for a replacement based  on
       the  content  of  the  pattern file. If this still fails, then an error
       will be sent to the client. This feature is  available  only  for  read
       request.  It  makes no sense doing this substitution for client writing
       files to the server.

       Atftpd 服务器提供一种使用新的基于 兼容 Perl 表达式规则的文件名动态替换被请求
       文件名的方法。Pattern/replacement 对从指定的文件中读取。当服务器接收到一个读
       请求时,首先尝试按照收到的文件名打开文件。如果失败,则按照 pattern 文件中的内
       容搜索 replacement 信息,如果也失败返回读错误给客户端。这个功能只能在读操作时

       The mtftp name refer to multicasrt tftp as define by the PXE specifica‐
       tion.  See  pxespec.txt  for the source of the specification. Note that
       this is not the same as RFC2090. PXE compliant boot  implements  mtftp,
       not RFC2090.

       注意,这与RFC2090不一样。PXE 服从 mtftp 启动应用,而不是RFC2090。

       inetd(8),hosts_access(5),libpcre(7),    RFC1350,    RFC2090,   RFC2347,
       RFC2348, RFC2349 and pxespec.pdf.

       同时,可以参考inetd(8),hosts_access(5),libpcre(7),    RFC1350,  RFC2090,
       RFC2347, RFC2348, RFC2349 and pxespec.pdf.


       This manual page was written by  Remi  Lefebvre  <remi@debian.org>  and
       Jean-Pierre Lefebvre <helix@step.polymtl.ca>.

 本文档由 Remi  Lefebvre  <remi@debian.org> 和 Jean-Pierre Lefebvre
 <helix@step.polymtl.ca> 撰写。

                               December 27, 2000                     ATFTPD(8)






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